Brussels International Ballet is a non profitable organisation and as such relies on its own funds and the generosity of individuals, companies, trusts and foundations to continue to be able to provide world class training and opportunities for students. Find out how your support can help us and contribute to the development of the Art of Dance

What your support can do
We rely on your support for the following
Students Sponsorship
Performances, financing new choreography and inviting international guest teachers
Costume funds and Equipment of the School
Summer Performance
All these items are the essential components to the development of the student’s international careers. They are, obviously, vital for maintaining and developing the School’s international renown and continuing to attract the greatest talent to the art form – both nationally and internationally. The dedication of the students and the great effort of parents is unparalleled, however their success also depends on generous, far-sighted individuals and companies who believe in the importance of a flourishing artistic life.
Sponsor our students
Currently our students rely on their parents financial support to attend the School. Your support will make a difference and add us to provide scholarships to finance their tuition fees and/or housing especially for those young talented dancers who has no sufficient financial resources. BIB has been making and is continuing to make sacrifices and contribution with its own funds to support these young dancers who’s willing to integrate the Professional Training Program.
As Brussels International Ballet has no subsides from the Belgium Government, our student’s families have to financially support the training that could be a high cost therefore your support will be primordial in the task of supporting the young talented dancers.
Sponsor our performances
Without the tangible experience of performance, young dancers cannot fully understand what it takes to turn the steps they have studied into something magical and exhilarating for an audience. We offer our students many opportunities to perfect their performance technique by encouraging them to dance in a variety of productions, nationally and internationally throughout the year. At the end of the academic year, a season of performances takes place comprising four performances at the W:HALLL theatre. These performances sell out almost immediately and generate much interest from the dance press.
With the aim to provide opportunities for students to reach their full potential, The Brussels International Ballet School is challenged to meet the cost of staging performances, commissioning new choreography, inviting on its own cost guest teachers and organising European tours and presentations.
Your donation will also help with establishing new international collaborations to invite guest teachers and guest dancers as well as helping with the costs of renting the theatre and funding technical support.
Performance sponsors receive:
Prominent recognition in the printed programme
A full page of advertising
An agreed number of VIP tickets to the performance and VIP reception
A private drinks reception if preferred for the Sponsor’s guests
Inclusion in any media and promotional material relating to the performance
Invitations to other Brussels International Ballet events throughout the year
Grateful acknowledgement on the School’s website and in its Annual Report
Support for costumes and equipment
Most stage costumes for shows are provided by BIB. The costumes are either rented or bought.
Sponsorship will help to renew the costumes and sourcing new ones that extremely necessary to the repertory of classical and contemporary dance.
As the school is keep growing, sourcing new equipment such as lockers and benches is necessary, but also continuous maintenance works have to be carried out in order to provide an up to date and safe environment for students and all employees. In this task, all logistical and financial support is welcomed.
Support our Summer Intensives
Every year we source a variety of classical and contemporary repertoire to showcase the skills of the students at the various stages of their development, ranging from heritage ballet to more recently created works. These ballets are performed by the students during overseas tours and as part of the Summer Performances at W:Halll.
Our Summer Intensive is an internationally recognised event where choreographers and guest teachers from all around the world come to the School. Sponsorship is required to meet the cost of their travel, accommodation and fees and often performance rights and music licences for the final theatre presentation of the Summer Intensive.